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vision boarding workbook now available

I wrote and illustrated a book! Well, a workbook. After running vision boarding workshops for years, I put all of my wisdom and experience into these pages. And now you can use this workbook to guide you through your own at-home vision boarding process!✨

Here’s some more info: A vision board is a visual representation of intentions, goals and plans for the future. In accessing images, we create a roadmap for the future and visual reminders of the kind of energy + experiences we are seeking.

Integrating wisdom and techniques from the fields of positive psychology, interpersonal neurobiology and art therapy, the vision boarding process creates a lasting impression that prompts real change. Hand-drawn illustrations offer a carefully crafted aesthetic that will prompt you to open up this workbook time and time again. 

The digital download format offers the convenience of accessing this item from your home. Print it out, download the pdf to your computer or use markup on your tablet. There is space for writing under each journalling prompt.

This workbook might be for you if you: 

🕰️ feel unmotivated by new years resolutions and want to try a gentler approach to intention setting

🕯️enjoy using rituals to access your intuitive side of self

✂️ love getting crafty and just don’t know where to start

You will be guided through the process to:

  • reflect on your intentions through journalling and meditation

  • clarify your values and craft a mantra

  • look through magazines/photographs to find images that speak to you

  • create a symbolic representation of your hopes for the future

Disclaimer: Although the vision boarding process may feel therapeutic, this booklet is not a replacement for clinical therapy and does not constitute a therapeutic relationship. This workbook was created solely for the purchaser. Please do not copy, share or distribute without permission.



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